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If you own land in need of management, then this program is for you! The Conservation District Forester is here to provide guidance to help landowners realize the full potential of their land. Guidance topics include advice concerning general forest management, timber harvesting, improving/creating wildlife habitat, food plots, tree and shrub planting, forest health/disease, and cost share programs.


What will the Conservation District provide?


The district will provide a no-cost consultation to help you determine your management goals and create an accurate landowner profile describing your property-type and project. Your profile will then be confidentially posted to our website for a two-week period in which forest resource professionals will have the opportunity to express interest in your project. Please note that no personal information will be available on the website; only a basic profile and general location of your land will be made available in order to help consultants effectively express interest in your project. Next, you’ll be provided with (at no-cost) a contact list of resource professionals who have expressed interest in helping you with your specific project.


What is the landowner’s role?


Once the landowner has consulted with the Conservation District Forester and their project has been advertised, a list of interested resource professionals will be provided.  Upon receipt of this list, it is then up to the landowner to contact interested resource professionals and determine which one can best help meet their management goals. With a list of professionals already interested in the project, landowner’s can more easily negotiate prices for services. Remember, the Conservation District Forester will always be available to provide advice and answer questions free-of-cost during this time. 


How much do resource professional services cost?


Because costs can vary by location, type of project, services requested, and many other factors, it is difficult to estimate how much services cost until the professional has a better idea of what exactly is required in the project. When you receive your list of resource professionals, you will also be provided with a list of “helpful hints” to guide you through the negotiation process.


How does a landowner decide which  professional to use?


It is up to the landowner to determine which resource professional they would like to use after speaking with each of them.  We encourage landowners to contact all resource professionals on their list to determine which professional can best help meet management at a competitive price.


What if a landowner decides they don’t want to hire a resource professional after they have been through the process and received their list?


There is no cost for any of the services provided by the conservation district (initial consultation, creation of landowner profile, informational help, compilation of interested resource professionals list, etc.) and there is no obligation for a landowner to hire a resource professional, even if they have already received their list.


Does a landowner have to worry about unwanted solicitations from resource professionals?


Resource professionals do not have access to landowner contact information, so unless the landowner contacts a resource professional and provides them with their contact information, professionals have no way of reaching a landowner.


Ready to get started?

For questions, more information, or to get started with your land management project, contact the Conservation District today!


"Your Local source for all your conservation and natural resource needs" 

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