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Habitat Improvement in the
Eastern Upper Peninsula 

The Eastern Upper Peninsula is rich with abundant water resources, but also is rich with many habitats supporting many of our native wildlife species. Every year thousands of visitors from around the world flock to the EUP to see the spring and fall bird migrations. Although the EUP is not a recognized migration route it serves as a local route of unique species to cross Lake Superior, with the largest concentration being at Whitefish Point. 


On top of our bird species the EUP is host to many wildlife species in our large amounts of forest land including Black Bear, Whitetail Deer, Moose, Beaver, Coyote, Wolf, Fox, and other fur bearing species. 


In many cases landowners like to see more of these species on their land. CLMCD can assist with landowners interested in managing their land for wildlife habitat. CLMCD can provide technical assistance, education, and consulting services to guide landowners when it comes to managing different habitats that support wildlife. Some of those programs are below:




FAP aims to help private landowners better manage their forested property by providing guidance and education. Healthier forests also contribute to better wildlife habitat. Our forester can assist landowners with all their objectives and help them achieve their goals when it comes to managing for wildlife habitat. â€‹â€‹â€‹


NRCS offers technical and financial assistance to landowners through a variety of programs funded through the Farm Bill. CLMCD is happy to provide guidance and assistance navigating these programs as we share their resources and are co-located in their office. 


  • Three Shores Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA)

Invasive Species can effect wildlife habitat, degrade wildlife food sources, create poor water quality for wildlife, and put wildlife in danger. Invasive species management is a vital component for a healthy habitat. Three Shores CISMA works collaboratively with its partners to stop invasive species and protect native habitats.


  • Deer Habitat Improvement Program Initiative (DHIPI)

CLMCD has partnered with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources of the years to provide the DHIPI program in the Eastern Upper Peninsula. Many landowners have participated by planting hard and soft mass food species for whitetail deer. These vital food sources provide food during the winter months when food sources are hard to find. DHIPI is a competitive grant CLMCD writes for every year. announcement for future grants will be made via our home page.


MSUE offers state-wide programming for landowners with local offices in Chippewa County. Although financial assistance isn't generally offered through MSUE many other services are available for all landowners. CLMCD is a proud partner with MSUE in Chippewa, Luce, and Mackinac counties and we provide program support when ever possible. 





"Your Local source for all your conservation and natural resource needs" 

2847 Ashmun St.  Sault Ste Marie, Michigan 49783
The Chippewa Luce Mackinac Conservation District (CLMCD) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of the individuals income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs) CLMCD is an equal opportunity provider and employer.​
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