Water Stewardship in the
Eastern Upper Peninsula
The Eastern Upper Peninsula is surrounded by Three of the five Great Lakes (Huron, Michigan, and Superior) and is connected by the St. Mary's River, which creates the border with our friends to the north, Canada. CLMCD is involved with protecting our hundreds of miles of Great Lakes shorelines, river systems, and inland lakes through our multiple partnerships and programs. Through landscape scale conservation, CLMCD is able to provide assistance to landowners that not only improves their land, but improves and protects their neighbors.
CLMCD can provide technical assistance, education, and consulting services to guide landowners when it comes to protecting our water. Some of those programs are below:
CLMCD is the County Enforcement Agent (CEA) for Chippewa Counties Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program. Landowners who move soil within 500 ft of a water body or disturb more than an acre of soil are subject to the permit process. Those who disturb soil out side of these limits still have a duty to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation.
Watershed Management Planning and Project Implementation
CLMCD has worked on a number of watershed plans and project implementation grants over the years. Planning grants identify areas of concern within a specific watershed and plans for its restoration. These plans are approved through the Michigan Department of Environment Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and can be used for further funding to implement projects identified within the plan that helps restore the watershed to a healthier condition. CLMCD is currently without a Watershed Technician and funding to pursue watershed protection work. We work every year to apply for funds to continue the protection of our waters.
Three Shores Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA)
Invasive species can affect shoreline erosion, degrade aquatic habitats, create poor water quality, and put human health at risk. Invasive species management is a vital component for a healthier watershed. Three Shores CISMA works collaboratively with its partners to stop aquatic invasive species and protect our water.
FAP aims to help private landowners better manage their forested property by providing guidance and education. Healthier forests also contribute to healthier water. Our forester can assist landowners with all their objectives and help them achieve their goals. ​​
MAEAP aims to help farmers, but includes private forestland owners. Landowners undertake voluntary management changes that will reduce the threat of groundwater contamination and improve the quality of our local watersheds. MAEAP is voluntary, confidential, and FREE!
NRCS offers technical and financial assistance to landowners through a variety of programs funded through the Farm Bill. CLMCD is happy to provide guidance and assistance navigating these programs as we share their resources and are co-located in their office.
MSUE offers state wide programming for landowners with local offices in Chippewa County. Although financial assistance isn't generally offered through MSUE many other services are available for all landowners. CLMCD is a proud partner with MSUE in Chippewa, Luce, and Mackinac counties and we provide program support when ever possible.