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Qualified Forest Program

The purpose of the Qualified Forest Program (QFP) is to encourage landowners to actively manage their privately owned forests for commercial harvest, wildlife habitat enhancement, and improvement of other non-forest resources. In exchange for managing their forests in a sustainable fashion, the landowner will receive an exemption from the local school operating millage.

The Qualified Forest Program is a tax incentive program for forestland owners in Michigan. By enrolling, you will save up to 16 mils on your school operating taxes and prevent the uncapping of the properties taxable value


Eligible Properties

  • The property must be at least 20 acres in size. 

  • Properties between 20 and 39.9 acres must be at least 80% forested. 

  • Properties 40 acres or greater must be at least 50% forested.

  • The definition of “forested” is that it is capable of growing 20 cubic feet per acre per year of wood fiber. 


"Your Local source for all your conservation and natural resource needs" 

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